Religious School Mission

Cape Cod Synagogue Religious School Mission Statement

The Religious School of the Cape Cod Synagogue reflects the goals of the Reform Movement of Judaism and takes into account the realities of today’s Jewish family.  In accordance with the goals of the Reform Movement the goals of our school include the following:

  • To develop a broad base of knowledge of Jewish beliefs and values with an appreciation of Jewish tradition.
  • To develop a sense of identification with the Jewish people.
  • To develop a fundamental Hebrew reading level and an appreciation of the importance of the Hebrew language in Jewish life, thought and prayer.
  • To strive for appreciation of ceremony and prayer and its proper place in religious life.
  • To develop an appreciation of the contribution that Jewish tradition may make toward the solution of personal and social problems and toward the deepening and enrichment of the individual’s personal life.
  • To develop the desire and capacity for reading original Jewish literary sources as a vehicle for acquiring Jewish values, insights and knowledge.
  • To make resources available to and involve the entire family in meeting these goals.

We strive to give our students a Jewish education with memorable classroom experiences that will lead to their having the knowledge to make informed decisions as Jewish adults and the desire to live their lives as Jews. We try to make learning fun, experiential and relevant. We include the resources of the community in our curriculum. Parents are encouraged to participate and to become involved in the Religious School program

Download a copy of the Religious School Mission Statement